- February 2, 2022
- News , Tax Credits
IRS Changes Position of How to Make a Valid Research Credit Refund Claims
A most recent memorandum, 20214101F, released, explains the Internal Revenue Service (The Service) receives thousands of claims each year for the rese...
- June 4, 2018
- R&D , Tax Credits
Alternative Simplified Credit Method Now An Option for Amended Returns
On June 2nd the IRS issued temporary regulations (T.D. 9666) allowing for the election of the Alternative Simplified Credit calculation method on an a...
- July 18, 2016
- R&D , Tax Credits
Final Regulations R & D expenditures, treatment of material costs
The Treasury Department and IRS today released for publication in the Federal Register final regulations (T.D. 9680) that amend the definition of “r...
- March 24, 2016
- Intellectual Property
The United States Transitions To A ‘First-Inventor- To-File’ Patent System
The United States has long had a “first-to-invent” patent system in which the date of invention could trump the date of filing a patent ap...